Sianne Ngai, Ugly Feelings

Ugly Feelings is a study of negative emotions in the modern era, which Sianne Ngai characterizes as a state of affective equivocation trapped within an inability to exert ones agency, a claim which echoes Benjamin’s statement that fascism gives tools for expression but not for political change. She is interested in “affective gaps and illegibilities”,… Continue reading Sianne Ngai, Ugly Feelings

William of Auvergne, The Immortality of the Soul

Early in The Immortality of the Soul, William of Auvergne moves from a theological explanation of why the soul must exist to a practical one. The soul and the body are mutually affective, he argues; they not only depend on one another, but have an inverse relationship in terms of their health. While one might… Continue reading William of Auvergne, The Immortality of the Soul