I am a medievalist interested in bridging contemporary ideas about the medieval period with the diversity and strangeness of the medieval period itself. My current research focuses on the medieval understanding of melancholy across genre, interrogating questions of stress, labor, and affect in medieval life writing and scientific texts.
My previous work has centered on manuscript studies and materiality in medieval science. In June 2017, I studied the representations of human difference through the bodies of animals in late medieval classifactory texts, by working with late medieval bestiaries in Florence, London, and Cambridge.In my role as Graduate Fellow at the New York Botanical Garden in Summer 2019, I worked with several early print copies of the De Secretis Nature and other medical incunabula, examining the prevalence of reader annotation as a method of tracking shifting attitudes toward medical authority and responsibility for care in the late medieval period. Also in Summer 2019, I worked with a fifteenth century manuscript of the Regime du Corps at the Morgan Library, and produced an article with the Synapsis Journal of health humanities, which can be found here.
I am extremely passionate about the public humanities, and I present my work with the intention that it be widely accessible. I am also invested in multimodal projects, because of their potential to reach wide audiences and present academic topics in an entirely new way. Currently, in addition to my academic work, I am producing a podcast about medieval culture in modern life, which is ongoing.
Past Projects:
My translation of Thomas Hoccleve’s Ballades to Henry Somer, published by the International Hoccleve Society, can be found here.
MedievalPod, a podcast and website dedicated to learning about modern imaginaries of the medieval period, and to talking with smart people about them. The project website is here.
A coauthored article in a collection about syllabus design and scaled syllabi, “Impossibilities of Scalability: Autonomy, Adjunctification, and Apprenticeship in the Age of the Austerity Crisis.” Working with and against Shared Curricula: Perspectives from College Writing Teachers and Administrators. Co-authored with Dr. Amy Wan and Megan Pindling. New York: Peter Lang, September 2021.
Review of Elizabeth Bearden’s Monstrous Kinds: Body, Space and Narrative in Renaissance Representations of Disability. February 2021. https://www.supernaturalstudies.com/reviews/book-review-by-e-price-of-e-bearden-monstrous-kinds